Sunday, April 28, 2019

Never know what goes on behind closed doors....

Welcome , so happy you could pop in! Today I decided to do the huge cabinet inside over, I introduced this piece in red but I have since painted it white. So just whats going on behind closed doors here atSweet Tea N' Salty Air.

First things first , I completely  emptied out the cabinet, I had never painted the inside before. So it was just bare wood. So I mixed up a white wash and completely  painted the surface. For the work surface I did a faux wood surface topped off with a Rustoleum sealer.

 If you visit here, you know I just love that old time greenish color.
 Ok lets see whats behind these closed doors!
 Well here you have it, everything you need to bake up some goodies. My Kitchen Aid mixer and chopper, all my baking powder substances, Bowls,Apron, sugar and flour.
 Even some old tiny shelves, also some pretty dishes that are fitting for summer

 These cookbooks are vintage and belonged to my grandmother  whom made some very tasty goodies.
 Love this vintage cherrie material, I found it at a thrift store as a tablecloth  but it was pretty tattered so I savaged pieces.

 I used a large lettered stencil for the cake sign.
 The top where I have the white curtain houses large pasta bowls, dinner plates and desert dishes.
 I couldn't resist some black and white checks in the kitchen.

 I was lucky enough to get my grams little recipe box, filled with treasured recipes so I thought it would be fun to make a little recipe card garland.

 I hung some petite  white candle holders on my makeshift shutters.

This was an old metal coffee pot that had seen its day so I painted it my favorite color and freehanded a rooster on it.
It sure was a fun little makeover and I am thrilled you stopped by

Until next time,

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Repurpose your old junk into pretty decor!

Hi there, nice of you to stop in!  Ok i know you all have some items sitting around that maybe are outdated or the color does not fit your decor, well think twice before tossing to the trash.

So as I was taking down all of the Easter decor , cleaning and rumaging through my "junk", I was thinking paint, if you know me you know that I always am ready to paint and paint is a remedy for almost everything.

I had this clay tea set, along with a metal christmas tray so I decided to do a bit of a makeover on all of it.

So I used my own chalk paint where I put a bit of baking soda with paint. I decided on a black.

 Just regular craft paint with a tad of regular baking soda.

I also painted the christmas tray
Using a small scale stencils labeled all the vessels.
Not too bad for some items that were headed right to the trash.
So check around  and shop yourhome,garage and attic for some diamonds in the rough, its fun seeing just what you'll come up with!

                      Until next time,

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Easter at The Potting Shanty

Hi and welcome! For all that pop in from time to time you remember how we took a wooden childrens playhouse and turned it in to a potting shanty by lifting the roof and adding some wood work here and there. 

Its been fun and really useful!  I love decking it out for the holdays.  And Easter is no exception!

 Just some simple items such as a crafted rag garland....
 A wreath that I made from the old vines of an out of control Lantana plant, just kept wrapping the vines on some wire, added some colorful flowers .
 Scattered some plastic colored easter eggs just for fun!
 Love having all my garden utencils at my fingertips and a planting counter and never have to worry about spilling messy dirt everywhere.

 These are my bunny sisters they are 4 ft. Tall
 Just some simple 1/2 inch plywood cut to figure.
It was such fun crafting the bunnies, making the wreath and decorating!

         Wishing Everyone A great Easter!


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A Farmhouse Makeover Using Rust-Oleum Furniture Kit

Welcome, nice of you to stop in. I have a wonderful find to share with you. The Rust-Oleum Furniture kit is a winner. It includes everything you need to transform a tired piece of furniture into a wonderful show stopper. If you follow along you have seen my vintage cabinet that stands proud in my dining room , but lately looking a bit tired so this was the perfect piece to apply the kit.

The kit contains 4 steps, deglosser, bondcoat which is the actual paint ,glaze and topcoat saler. Also some cloth and abraisive pads, mixxing sticks. Everything except your brushes. If your a first timer or experienced painter this is an ideal kit.

 I used the dark rich glaze in a bit of an unconventional manner but Iam loving the results. So the color is Modern grey the bondcoat which is the paint was surprisingly very thin but seemed to cover and adhere beautifully. In this case it was just 1 coat.
 I used Rust-Oleum spray for the handels, that was not included in the kit.
 Iused the drawer as a flowerbox filled with lambs ear and mini daisies

Pink toned dishes and clear glass were placed for display. So I have named this cabinet , A Cabinet fit for the farm. It was fun testing the kit For Rust-Oleum. I did receive the kit in exchange for my photos and honest opinions of the product. I give the kit 5 stars and I would recommend a try!     

                             THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR STOPPING IN!

                                    HAPPY PAINTING


 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...