Sunday, November 22, 2015


Hi and welcome , nice of you to stop in . I know only too well that this is one of the busiest weeks of the year , especially if you are hosting Thanksgiving Dinner and that would be me. So before I start some serious cooking I thought I would share this pretty apron I made for my favorite Aunt in Ct.

You remember how I shared with you all the material I recently purchased well I am putting it to good use.

I simply used an old white butchers apron as a pattern leaving about 3 extra inches for sewing. If in fact you don't own a sewing machine this can be sewn by hand or even using a material glue would also work.

My daughter in law was kind enough to model this.....the other day when I wanted to get this post out my son was the only one around so I asked him if he would model it for me and his reply was absolutely not! He left rather quickly and I could not help to laugh at him . I guess it must have been the  ruffled bottom  lol!  Here you see I put my aunts initial to personalize it.

I also sewed a pocket on it and I plan to fill it with some pot holders and such. I hand sewn the heart on.

She looks like shes ready to fix dinner!

A simple wonderful useful gift for any lady that cooks and I have some I will be doing for some men but I will leave out the ruffles. I used less that two yards so this can be made very inexpensively . I used matching flannel for the ties which I frayed a bit. Hope you will try your hand at a homemade gift for they are the best!
Happy crafting, Lisa
Come join me at the following parties for some wonderful inspiration!
 Rustic and Refined

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Happy Saturday to you!  I bet your thinking and planning for the holidays aren't you? I am trying not to do Christmas decorating until after Thanksgiving. But I have been doing a little crafting and can't help to display them. I guess Iv'e got that Holiday feeling!  Tomorrow we will be celebrating little Natalies birthday so it's going to be a super busy weekend.

My son was taking a walk with his daughter and noticed that someone had thrown away some large pictures with glass frames so he scooped them up and brought them to me. Sooooo, I took one apart and started by painting the glass black, then painting the frame to look a bit aged'

The picture also had a matting so I cut it up to make it look like several small windows.
I stck snowflakes here and there also crafted a banner "Let it snow" 


I and Natalie crafted the rag wreath . We discovered that the plastic top from the big round buckets of ice cream  can be used for wreaths , just cut the rim out.

So even though we are in Florida we see snow falling!  So don't throw away those dated pictures  craft a magic window!
Happy Crafting
Love for you to join me for some great holiday inspiration here.......

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Hi there   shhhhhh! This is a secret post I have crafted a little something for My Aunt in Ct. I don't want her to see it. Well Saturday I stocked up on some textiles so that I could craft some wonderful holiday gifts and use here as well.

Two flannels one check and one red pin stripe.  Sooooo.......

I crafted an arrangement stocking so that she could hang it on the door. This craft is super easy. Just make a pattern out of a piece of news paper or brown grocery bag, simply cut out the stocking shape and use as a template for your material.
You don't have to be a pro at sewing or floral arranging . 

This can be hung on the door or door knob to add a little holiday fun to your home. I simply stuffed it with some tissue paper before adding flowers.

A pretty button and some cording add the finishing touch.

It does not cost much at all to craft this and it will make a perfect gift! Don't worry if you don't have a sewing machine just use some spray glue.
Thank you so for dropping in !
Happy Crafting
Come join me where I share my project!
Join Me for Share Your Cup

Monday, November 9, 2015


Hi there, so happy you could drop in, love to offer you a cold or hot beverage! We have a full house this holiday season so I wanted to set up a beverage center to accommodate everyone here at Sweet Tea N' Salty Air.

It just so happens that citrus is almost ready for picking...gigantic lemons that we made fresh lemonade with, super yummy! I would recommend buying a bag and making some simple just squeeze the lemons add sugar and water even crushed strawberries.

But just so happens that most that are here like me we are Northern folk who love a cup of cocoa filled to the brim with marshmallows. I have made everything available such as fresh Lemonade, cocoa, hot flavored coffee and cream , teas and my personal favorite is cold flavored coffee. Today as I was prepping for pictures I made a batch of cold coffee which includes flavored coffee, ice ,sugar and half and half. I put a candy cane in just for fun and I went back to my glass after about 30 minutes and it melted into my coffee.......let me tell you super delicious! my new thing I guess.

The beverage center is nestled in the corner of the dining room a straight away to the kitchen. I will keep it stocked 24/7 seeing that we have 8 adults and children all staying through the holidays. 


Sunday, November 1, 2015

A 300th Post Celebrating Copper, An Old Friend Thats Back Bigger Than Ever!!!!

Hi there, happy you could drop in. So I've been feeding my obsession .....thrift store shopping!  As I was scanning the store I spied this very dark and dingy serving tray but my curiosity mode kicked in and I had to pick it up to examine it. The metal was dark cold and not very pretty but it was heavy so I just had to flip it over and check the price etc..... It gets even better because it had a Pottery Barn Sticker. So I knew I should buy it because I do buy all Pottery Barn items and at 3.99 its definitely coming to live at my house.
So I used a bit of polish and suddenly the beauty started to shine through.
It took a great deal of polishing to get this poor thing shining from handle to handle.

Here it is all shiny and ready for company!  Next time your doing a bit of thrifting watch out for the dark ugly pieces of metal just may be copper! I will be scanning all my favorite thrift places for more copper, just love the shimmer and shine! Thanks for stopping in happy thrifting !


 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...