Sunday, November 22, 2015


Hi and welcome , nice of you to stop in . I know only too well that this is one of the busiest weeks of the year , especially if you are hosting Thanksgiving Dinner and that would be me. So before I start some serious cooking I thought I would share this pretty apron I made for my favorite Aunt in Ct.

You remember how I shared with you all the material I recently purchased well I am putting it to good use.

I simply used an old white butchers apron as a pattern leaving about 3 extra inches for sewing. If in fact you don't own a sewing machine this can be sewn by hand or even using a material glue would also work.

My daughter in law was kind enough to model this.....the other day when I wanted to get this post out my son was the only one around so I asked him if he would model it for me and his reply was absolutely not! He left rather quickly and I could not help to laugh at him . I guess it must have been the  ruffled bottom  lol!  Here you see I put my aunts initial to personalize it.

I also sewed a pocket on it and I plan to fill it with some pot holders and such. I hand sewn the heart on.

She looks like shes ready to fix dinner!

A simple wonderful useful gift for any lady that cooks and I have some I will be doing for some men but I will leave out the ruffles. I used less that two yards so this can be made very inexpensively . I used matching flannel for the ties which I frayed a bit. Hope you will try your hand at a homemade gift for they are the best!
Happy crafting, Lisa
Come join me at the following parties for some wonderful inspiration!
 Rustic and Refined

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...