Sunday, November 1, 2015

A 300th Post Celebrating Copper, An Old Friend Thats Back Bigger Than Ever!!!!

Hi there, happy you could drop in. So I've been feeding my obsession .....thrift store shopping!  As I was scanning the store I spied this very dark and dingy serving tray but my curiosity mode kicked in and I had to pick it up to examine it. The metal was dark cold and not very pretty but it was heavy so I just had to flip it over and check the price etc..... It gets even better because it had a Pottery Barn Sticker. So I knew I should buy it because I do buy all Pottery Barn items and at 3.99 its definitely coming to live at my house.
So I used a bit of polish and suddenly the beauty started to shine through.
It took a great deal of polishing to get this poor thing shining from handle to handle.

Here it is all shiny and ready for company!  Next time your doing a bit of thrifting watch out for the dark ugly pieces of metal just may be copper! I will be scanning all my favorite thrift places for more copper, just love the shimmer and shine! Thanks for stopping in happy thrifting !

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...