Saturday, April 29, 2017


Come on in! I would love to share my kitchen makeover. Wish I could offer you a sweet tea and a comfy seat!, just made some with fresh mint from the garden. Anyway about three years ago I had painted the kitchen  Teal Lagoon by Glidden......time for a change!

 See ya later Teal Lagoon it been nice while it lasted........... Covering with some Glidden county White.
Too dark for a room that does not get any natural direct sunlight.
 Love the Country White it has a primer already in it! 4.50 on the clearance paints
This is accent color , I bought this gallon off the Opps counter. A mere 5.00

 I used the red, red wine color for the countertops and the soffits above the cabinets. It is marvelous paint rich and thick and covers well. I used Minwax clear brushing Laquer over the paint on the counters. I have to say this stuff is fabulous, it dries in a jiffy to a clear hard coat far water wipes up well and its taken regular abuse from a full service kitchen that preps 3 meals plus a day.

 I placed this Pewter cow in the open shelfs it was a nice Good will find.
 I am finally letting everyone use my Pioneer Woman dishes, as everyone is handling with care hopefully. I made a decorative ledge for each shelf from a vintage mirror frame I had so things could not slip out easily and break.
 This hammered silver tone pendant light was a surprise from Mr. STNSA......he ran out to Lowes for something he needed and decided to bring me back a surprise. Nice guy that Mr. STNSA!
 So I came across my grandmothers old recipe cards and decided a cool way to display some of them.........
 I was looking for something vintage something rusty and all the while it was in my own backyard! Too funny, the Farmers down the road were throwing away 2 yard wagons, one in ok shape and one in really bad shape so I dislocated the two sides and cleaned them up a bit and brought them on inside.
 I made a wreath and decorated it up with some vintage kitchen gadgets and fun materials. Hung some cording and attached grams old recipe cards with clothespins.

 Painted a few more Ball jars and added some Daisies and a ribbon
 Found some fun dishes and also added them to the shelf.

I thought it would be a fun shelf and wall to look at......I don't know about you all but I spend allot of time in the kitchen. I also added a wicker /iron tall slim shelf to hold extra bowls etc on the left side, for me you can never have enough kitchen stuff!.

 I crafted this sign, this was a tribute to my great gram, I was thinking about this the other day . When I was very little I would go shopping at the A&P, a grocery store close enough to walk to. Well we would go just about everyday just so she could collect those little S&H greenstamps. We would sit by the table for hours licking these things and adding them to the stamp holder book. Just so gram could get free dishes n such. It made her so happy and me too! If I could just have another chance to sit by that table again I would be so gifted. Bless her heart for being such a wonderful roll model. So that's the reason for the sign. like my legs????   My farm house legs that is I repurposed them from an old farm house table that couldn't. You can find that post here      This was a simple project that brought some fun to this kitchen

Clothes pin cookies?????who knew

 The washboard was also a recent thrift store find.

 I found 8 large Canning jars @ .59 cents each so I painted them up for my kitchen redo, these sit upon an old upside down tool caddy behind the stove.

 These wonderful towels were on the clearance table in domestics at Walmart. This rolling pin rack was a cracker barrel find.

I placed different colored vintage glass dishes along the kitchen window ledges. I added a unique piece to the top of the window in luau of a smothering curtain.

Decorated my under counter shelf with lights , old coke bottles and my favorite little rooster.

Bought this 2 tier stand to hold cupcakes and deserts when needed.

If you notice the cabinet doors they have a raised design on them , I did that with a stencil and vinyl spackling. An easy way to bring a tad of style to a flat builder grade cabinet.

There is just something about a painted canning jar!, these are the ones that sit atop my stove back.

You all would be hysterical laughing at my teens around here when they see me bringing Rusty vintage stuff in here, they make many comments if you can just imagine lol 

I changed out the work top to my Corian one, you can do anything on this it seems to be indestructible.

Well that's it! For a large manufactured home I make the most of all my space, especially the kitchen! So glad you stopped by ....................

                                                                     Until next time , Lisa

Please come join me at the following fun parties.....
Happy to share that I was featured @ mobilehomeliving  an ideal site with information about anything mobilehome

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...