Sunday, April 17, 2016


Welcome! Southwest Florida gardening is great but our grass is browning due to no rain...we will be getting our rainy tropical humid season shortly. Today I spent much of the day in the kitchen not only preparing food but adding a little something to the counters/cabinets. I had 4 legs from a table that I repurposed so I had been thinking for a bit just how can I incorporate them in the kitchen ?

My son was kind enough to measure and cut them to size, once he was done I placed them snugly between the cabinets and counter.

I gave them a lick of paint and some sanding......
And when it was all said and done I ended up with this.
 This may not be for everyone but I like the added
 I had bought this metal lizard at the thrift store and he seems happy and fits in well with the vintage sea/fishing theme.

 I thought to celebrate this new look I would go scan the outdoors for some greenery starring a pretty pink Hibiscus flower from our tree.

 A wooden carved fish hangs around the kitchen.


 The other set was put on each side of the stove.

This cabinet is all open for easy access to dishes and bowls.
 On a previous post I shared what I did with the flat wooden cabinets to jazz them up a bit. It is my technique using vinyl spackling and a stencil.

I am so happy to share my project with you today! Be sure to save your legs ya never know what you can conjure up!
see ya soon, Lisa
Join me for some incredible inspiration at the following linky parties!

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...