Sunday, July 24, 2016


Hi yesterday I scanned the thrift stores for a little counter lamp . I had my imagination sparked up everytime I seen a little lamp .the thrift store is a wonderful place to purchase a good quality lamp and a minimal price...usually 2$-10$. Not bad because if you purchase brand new lamps they are pricey. Besides all that I love to put a new design on them.

Always be sure the electrical wiring is in tact, most thrift stores  have a plug for testing. And now I will show you this very modern ugly to me lamp I bought.

 Oh my goodness...see all that shiny business? First off some sanding to rid of the shiny. I mixed up some light yellow that I will call bee dust. And gave it a coat  and then another. Took some grey paint and put some here and there along with red to give it an old feel.
 I found this little wooden rooster in my box of tricks so I attached it with some glue....He just looks like he lived there forever.

 And you know that shade?, it is sitting on the shelf because it is just lacking personality, for this project anyway.
 So I had this wire basket and it fit perfectly I like to call this a marriage. I had to line the inside of the basket with some light yellow checked material.

 I save all lamp parts cause a girl never knows when shell be needing this or that! Like this metal contraption I attached first before the basket makes it so the material never touches the light bulb
 The lamp goes well with the new brick backsplash and farm house décor. So all in all I spent 4.99 on the lamp...had the basket and wooden rooster plus paint on hand. Need some light ? try  the thrifts and with a little imagination you will have a custom one and only lamp.

                                                            Thank you for visiting!

Come join me at the following linky parties where I share my latest creations and get some wonderful inspiration!


Friday, July 22, 2016

Faux Painted vintage style brick wall backsplash

Hi there and welcome...I have been busy all day with painting up some white washed brick. So last evening I was looking for some wallpaper on line I knew I wanted brick but there was just so many choices, so I thought I would sleep on it. Well the next day I woke up and decided that I would just paint the backsplash my self.

This backplash is also paneling and the same green tea color as the walls.

So I got to work mixing some colors together. I used a sponge red, white and black paints. I just kind of stamped the sponge here and there. So I have to tell you I totally was going to stop and paint the wall back as it was but my curiosity got the best of me and my conscience got the most of me it was saying "quitter", oh heke no I am not a quitter so I kept going.

After I had all the bricks stamped on I let it dry .......once dry I took a small brush and painted all the grout stuff around the bricks....let that dry.

And once again went over all the bricks so it would look a bit more blended on the edges.

 I then mixed some water with some white flat paint and brushed it on then just ever so gently pressed a rag to sop some of the paint mixture up

 It was touch and go for a while but the end results was not too bad

 I crafted this sign last week

If you are a beginner I would suggest practice first. Thank you so much for stopping on in!
                                                               Enjoy your weekend!

I am joining and sharing at the following fun linky parties! Come join me.....


Monday, July 18, 2016

A DELICIOUS MANGO SMOOTHY & A COUPLE of new thriftstore finds

Hi there....welcome, hope you are enjoying summer here in Southwest Fla. Everyday we have a tropical storm, sometimes 3 or 4 storms a day. The gardens have all gone bizerk with growth and the lawn needs to be cut once a week and for me. It is however Mango me it is one of the most delicious fruits ever. It is considered  a superfood containing over 20 different vitamins and minerals. Only 100 calories per 1 cup. No cholesterol, sodium or fat.  So I found a great new way to use this fruit seeing that the cup is runith over. 

A Mango smoothie! We are big smoothie fans and make them allot out of bananas, strawberries, pinapples etc. Just about any fruit is smoothie versatile.
 If you are not lucky enough to have a neighbor with a huge mango tree they are always available in your local grocery. All you need is Mangoes, lots of ice, Half and half and a great blender that will crush ice cubes.
 Grab a glass......its ready. Ita is a great alternative to other sweet snacks that have no nutritional value.
 Ok so seeing that I am drinking a healthy drink why not a fudge brownie? 
Super yummy!

Here are the wonderful finds from my weekend thrifting...

I can't help to wonder whom had sewn such a beautiful quilt, You know how you can just put a picture in your mind that would match with your physical item. I see a   farmhouse mom sitting around a sprawling table working her sewing magic sipping on a hot cup of coffee at the end of a busy day. The picture above is showing that in a couple of places it is come apart but not to worry I will stitch it up ever so carefully. I so admire Brenda of cozy little houses beautiful quilts that she displays so beautifully.

 I also found this homemade basket and it fit perfectly on my butcher block now I have all my spices at my fingertips.

Hope you'll give a Mango smoothie a try!

Friday, July 15, 2016


Hi and welcome...... you know how you have that piece of furniture that is looking so neglected and it is just crying for a makeover. Funny story about this  bakers rack it like 22 years old and its looking really raged. I at one time used to make money painting , wallpapering and decorating for people around town so I went to this lady and painted her daughters bedroom and then stenciled as well I had told her  before hand it would be 150 for 2 coats of paint and the stenciling well.......when I was done she said she didn't have any money would I mind picking something out of the Speigal Catalogue? Well that's just what I did and so it was this bakers rack.

So I decided to give it a paint treatment and brighten it up a bit.

  It was beginning to rust and scuff so I sanded all the rusting areas gave it a good cleaning.
 I went with a light blueish green me it says happy!
 A galvanized pail has some picks from my garden my favorite is the Bird of Paradise the orange colored flower that my wonderful  neighbor next door gifted me.

An old Red rooster seed picture

Saturday, July 9, 2016

A Vintage style farmhouse colorful plank wall...inspired by Lowes wallcovering

Hi there, welcome come on in I am excited to show you my colorful planked painted wall. It all started Sunday evening when Mr. StNSA were on a Lowes home improvement shopping date. I get down right scarey when I go there I grab a cart and scan the store for idea items and replenish staples, tacks etc. It was when I stumbled upon this wonderful wallpaper the paper that was deemed perfect for my home so I threw 2 rolls in the cart figuring that I would just do one accent wall. So I scanned the isles until I found my date ....I showed him in excitement ...he was not so excited about the 40$ for each roll. He replied that I change things out to often and it would not be worth it. So take a look...
 It was just the look I was I started thinking how could I achieve this look with paint. I finally had an instant plan that I would execute the following day so I put the paper back.

Now The wall that I was planning to paint is a wood paneled the planks would have to go verticle instead of horizontal okkk that could work. I had a huge bucket of cream color paint so I poured out about 4 cans of it then I added some color to each of them from my paint stash store. So I had a old time aqua color a light peach, a light cast blue and a Vaseline color and also a grey. I mixed them really well. And it went very smoothly. I first painted the whole wall a black shade then I began making the planks. I had a separate brush for each color so I wouldn't have to keep washing them out there was no ryme or reason to the pattern  along I used painters tape  as well. Seeing that the "boards" were already there this whole process was fairly easy.  Lets take a peek.....
 I am happy with the brightness and I couldn't be any happier if I had the actual wallpaper.
 That's Chocolate' sitting on the back of the sofa, you can see a basket at the top, there is a wooden beam that has a number of baskets  and white mini lights hanging from it....yes I am a basket case! love baskets, just found a really nice homemade basket I will share on another post.

 A simple black wrought iron shelf with some glass favorites to adorn it.

 A tobacco ladder with some old favorites hanging on it.

So what do you think?  Is it something you will try? One of the positives not using the wallpaper is that you can use the colors that you like.
I changed curtains to a pretty green .
 So I also changed the glass to green in the green house window shelf

 So happy to share this with you today! I will be shopping for more thrift treasures today our local Goodwills are having a 50 off today.

                                                            Have a wonderful Saturday!

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...