Monday, March 30, 2015


Hi there! happy you are here. I have been working so very hard on this project. I have had a stack of stone tiles just sitting and waiting to be used so.........I had this corner of the yard that just couldn't grow grass so I decided that a nice Italian influenced patio was in order. So I lugged all the stone tiles to the back.

I cleared and leveled the space then added a top soil with peat moss. I began placing the tiles shiny side down. Once I placed a tile I gave it a good hit with the hammer , the tile then became separated such as flagstone. I pulled the separated areas a bit then filled the crevice's with the top soil. My Grandmother had a similar patio surrounded by grape vines to make some very nice Italian wine.

So this was repeated and repeated until everyone was flat and in place. I gave a good walking on all and swept a bit. I harvested a tiny bit of moss but I will have to order it on line. Where moss can be gotten here would not be safe to travel , the everglades has way to many species of wildlife for me to travel the woods. So come have a seat on the new patio.............

By the end of the day everything came together, a cozy place to sip a cold beverage and watch the kiddies in the pool. Once the moss is set in place it will look much better. If you read along on my blog you know I can't resist an opportunity to hang some lights.

 I left some of the stone whole . I gave an old pallet a blue stain wash and hung some waterproof favorites such as a metal star, an old metal sign and wire basket.
 This top soil mixture is about 2$ at lowes.
I bought these two planters at the thrift store for 3$ for the pair, I just gave them a little white wash to accent the pretty design and filled them with some full sun plants such as Marigolds and Petunias,

 The rustier the better , this old watering can hangs from a shepherds hook.
Just waiting for a couple of people  and some cold lime infused Beer....yum my favorite, did I mention that my hands are a bit torn up? more than usual, pretty nails on these hands will never exsist

An old red tool caddy sits atop waiting to be filled with my garden Tomatoes.

An old lantern to lend some evening light .

I was able to get a bit of Moss from around the central air unit lol. But I will soon have all the cracks covered with moss.

Just a little place to steal a little relaxing time, thank you so much for joining me today and happy Spring to you!

Come join me for some wonderful inspiration!
Idea Box Link Partyimage   

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Hi there! so happy you could stop by today, I have been loving those garden hose wreaths that I have been seeing so shhhhhh, on clean up day I was suppose to throw away the old non working garden hoses seeing that Mr ST went out and bought the caddillac of hoses, but I really took one and stashed it in the back shed in hopes to make a wreath to put on the screen door that leads to the garden. So yesterday I scanned the thrift store for good quality flowers meaning not the $ store ones usually I like anything from there but if I can get the 10$ a stem from the thrift store I will opt for that. You have to search well some may be in an arrangement that you can pull apart some are in bunches taped together. I got these that I used on the hose wreath for 2$ and I still have some left over.

I am not sure the names of these pretty ones but they all seem to go with each other.
I just made a circle and wove the hose in and out.

So you ask why does this lady have lattice on her screen door....well our cats have no mercy for screening. So lattice has seemed to work.
If you have never made an arrangement such as this its very simple, start with your center huge flower and work from there , the process is very forgiving. I used 50lb. test fishing line to hold everything together usually my glue gun is used but we are in for storm season soon with windy rain each day sometimes for 10 min. and some time for hours. So I had to make sure it was tightly put together. Believe me it's storm ready.
So Im not saying to go out and cut your good hose now , this is only for those broken down old hoses. lol
So for 2$ and a discarded garden hose you can have a little something pretty for your door. You can get as fancy as you want by adding any old stuff such as old garden tools or an old watering can. Also any faux flowers can be washed in a sink of soapy water and if they look like they cannot be wet a bag with a tiny bit of salt is the remedy , just add the flowers and shake ....the dust will come off onto the salt!
Have fun and make you one!
Join in on the fun with me! You can find me at any of the following parties:

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Hi friends welcome to Sweet Tea N' Salty Air! Nice of you to stop by, today I have decided to share a chocolate  cream cake recipe that I have been making for years. Every holiday this cake recipe is made in the form of cupcakes, sheet cake, Bundt cake , you name it, it is wonderful any way you make it! It's like a private party for your sweet tooth that never makes it home until the AM lol! The clincher is that it is so easy to make, I promise. Yesterday we celebrated with the traditional corn beef dinner and for desert guessed it a chocolate cream cake, delicious!
This is so delicious it can be a wedding cake! Moist too! 
Pour yourself a little cold milk and enjoy!  I bought a set of these cute vintage glasses that have a rim of sterling silver kind of wearing off but I still love them , they hold just enough of milk.
For this bundt cake I baked it for about 30 min. but every oven is different. Be sure to check it after about 25 minutes. Never overbake it as soon as it is solid to the touch remove it and cool.
I used my kitchen aide mixer but any mixer will be fine. So here it is, time to share I have been keeping it a secret for years.

The great thing about this recipe is you can throw all the ingredients into the mixing bowl and mix all at once,

You will need:










So mix all these ingredients really well , coat your pan well with some margarine and a little shake of flour. I must warn you though once you serve this up to your family and friends you will be requested to make this cake all the time. You can use your favorite frosting recipe I don't have a recipe per say , I just add it up from my head. For this Bundt cake I used a glaze that I made from about 1 cup of confectioners sugar about a teaspoon of vanilla, 2 tablespoons of butter and 1/2 & 1/2, (food color if you wish) and a good whipping up.

I so hope you enjoy my secret recipe! Have fun baking and remember do not over bake !

Friday, March 6, 2015

A simple piece of furnure can be used as a room divider !

Welcome! so happy you could stop in today........if you visit here you will know that I often change things up a bit not a bit a really lot!. I think its just a challenge for myself  to see what I can do with thrift finds and how one piece of furniture could be used in so many different ways, such as this piece....

If you back track posts you will see this piece started as a bakers rack  then a mini kitchen island then a decorative piece in the living room but now its working well as a room divider. The dining room is open to the living room but I kind of like that bit of separating rooms. Where I come from we don't really have the open floor plan. I attached a window type frame that has been closed with chicken wire , it gives some more height.
Its a great way to give me a reason to decorate another surface. Here are some cow embossed glass bottles filled with some spring flowers. I found the vintage cherry tablecloth at the thrift store.

This cute little apple lamp was also a thrift find and it throws off just a hint of brightness for dining.
I also tried some apples in the vintage tool box and a white platter, I love apples all year through it doesn't have to be Fall for that!
You have seen my Counrty Door shutters in many places too , today I have placed them in the living room exit doorway that leads to the kitchen.
I have attached a semi sheer curtain to the back of the shutter. I have had more fun decorating with theses shutters and the price is very reasonable . I am scanning the online catalogue for some more pretty shutters. I am looking forward to finding some more treasures ! Have a great weekend friends!


Thursday, March 5, 2015


Hi and welcome to Sweet Tea N' Salty Air! I have something amazing to share with you today! Take a look.........

To what to my wondering eyes should appear ..........about 15 Tomato plants growing on the side of my house in the grass no less! Never I repeat never did I plant these I could never grow such beauties even if I tried! OK this was taken about a week and a half ago this is today......

These amazing plants have grown about 6 inches and are full of yellow flowers! I have thought about moving them or fertilizing them but I decided to let them alone except for some watering. About 2 monthes ago we fertilized with some plain lime. So where do you think these beauties came from? I like to think my dad had something to do with it, my best friend passed away about 3 years ago and he was a dedicated Tomato he could grow some wonderful fruits. So generally when I think of Tomato plants I think of him ......making his yearly trip to the farm market to purchase just the right Tomato plants, he would take them home plant them and baby them and see them through until harvest. There is something so solely wonderful about gardening! Sooooo, how did they get here did someone through a Tomato at the side of my home? Did a bird through down? Or is this just a wonderful miracle?  I will keep you posted about the plants as they grow. Will they be Big Boys, Cherry we will just have to wait to see.........

A Tribute to Dad


 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...