Thursday, January 22, 2015


Hi there, welcome to Sweet Tea N' Salty Air where the oranges are at the peak of the season and the weather is a bit chilly at times but mostly superbly perfect. I was taking a long hard look at the oldest of oldest darkly painted cupboard and decided it was time for a brighter change. The paint was the best from Home Depot but came from the Opps! counter and that means no name so I like to call it Vanilla Sugar cookie!
 I have shared this old girl a few times , she has a special story to her.....when my son was a teen he used to clean out sheds for extra his journey he came across this cupboard road side ready for trash pick up, needless to say She was coming home with me. So we cramed it into the car and off I went. notice I said I ? my boy waited at his grams for me to come back and get him because there was no way I was leaving that piece behind. I decided on a complete paintover with no distressing, so what do you think?

 Here she is now, all prettied up! I added some pretty black and white patterned paper to the back. Little Natalie has her Tea Set on the bottom shelf , she enjoys her American girl Tea Parties.
 I simply gathered some of my favorite items and placed them scattered around on the shelves.
 The cupboard has many dings and pings including a missing window where a garden an old woman sits.

 Two Pottery Barn cups stand before a pretty dish that I found at Cracker Barrel.
 Natalies Tea Party!
 A whiteware dish holds some wooden handled cookie cutters

 Do you have  a piece of tired old furniture just mopping around? Try a lick of paint to give it a new life!   This piece is older than the hills but for sure part of our family! Happy painting! Thanks for stopping by.......Next post I will be sharing another furniture redo so don't forget to come on back!

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...