Tuesday, September 30, 2014


BOOOOO! Thanks for joining Sweet Tea N' Salty Air, I have a  Halloween craft that the whole family will want to join in on! With just some items that you probably have in your home you can craft these so very Boootiful Ghosts!

 You will need a piece of semi sheer material, white in color. I used the flat white part of an old dust ruffle. A hanger, some black paint.....
 A battery operated tea light, sold very cheaply at the dollar store or craft store etc.
A plastic  milk jug that you will be painting on the eyes and mouth , You will be making 2 small incisions in the bottom of the jug so that the handle of the hanger can thread through....

On the back of the milk jug you will make a tiny door big enough to get the tealight to turn on and off.

Now when the hanger is in place and the black paint is dry go ahead and hold the top of the jug and drape that piece of white material over it don't forget to turn on the tea light........ this is the part the kids are going to love..... turn your light s down low and .......


I am going to make several and do up the front porch for All Hallows Eve. An easy way to hang these is to attach a strong paper clip and just feed it through the jug handle.   This craft did not cost me any money to make . Have fun making your ghosts!   www.shakentogetherlife.com/2014/10/creativity-unleashes  

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Hi there, so happy you could stop by. I spent all day Friday making this coffee table. We decided to change up the living room a bit and place the 2 full size couches on each side of the humungous 3D theater tv,  and the big overstuffed chair front and center but when I made the move the present coffee table was way out of scale so I was planning on scouring the thrift stores for something smaller but still round that I could paint over and vintagize . But I got to thinking and planning on Thursday night that I could craft one myself. And that's just what I did, my daughter is in construction so I get pallets and wood frequently. Shes a determined young lady who may just be the next house flipper on HGTV one day. Shes learning all the trades an aceing them all.

So everyone was gone on Friday  so I quickly got my chores done then packed up all my tools ,gathered my pallets and wood, paints etc... and went to work . I knew I wanted to design the table as a clock, I just love the big Jumbo wall clocks. I started by measuring the space between the 2 couches so 30 in. would be ideal. so I took my piece of 1/2 in plywood and put a nail in the center attached a string to it then the other end of the string to a marker and drew the perfect circle. And then cut it out with my new jigsaw. My neighbors hear bagging and cutting and wonder what the heke this lady is up to.
Now it was time to take the pallets apart but with this jigsaw it was easy sailing. If your wondering why this picture is a bit blurred , that's what happens when you take a camera that's been in AC out to some humid hot weather.
 Took the pallet pieces like a puzzle and fit them in perfectly. After they where all set in place on the plywood I simply nailed them in place. After they where nailed I tuned it over and cut around with the jigsaw.
Pallets stripped of all the wooden planks.

Once the pallets were cut to fit the plywood base it was time for a base coat of black paint.
It's starting to shape up......I then put a coat of very light lime green over the black.
 Here "he" is all dressed as a vintage clock.Notice I refered to it as a he? Usually when I am painting furniture they are refered to as ladies. For the base I used a wrought iron piece that once was the base of a fire pit. So glad I didn't toss this out because it fits perfectly.
 I stenciled on the roman numbers of time and also the "southern Farmers 1809" ,
 I did allot of sanding to get the vintage look.
 Now everyone has leg room  and a place to set their drinks on during movie time , I was upset about a huge 75 inch tv but secretly I cant wait to watch "Christmas Vacation " with Chevy Chase on it.
The distressing made the table look very old.
 Now Im not a pro at wood working but I tried my hardest. My son said "you didn't make that", I took that as a compliment , it's not everyday that a thirteen year old gives those out!
So this project was free to make, had the wood and paint and was done in about 5 hours including drying time. Pallets are free for the taking in most communities, a good place to find them is Craigs list. I told my daughter to keep those pallets coming cause I have allot of projects in mind. Thanks so much for taking a peek at my new crafted coffee table! So get your jigsaw , hammer nails, paints , tape measure etc.... ready to role so you too can craft something pretty.

Come join me at the following fun linky parties!    www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/2014/09/salvaged-junk-treasure            www.shabbyartboutique.com/2014/10/shabbilicious-

Shabbilicious Friday

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Welcome!  Fall kicks off many wonderful traditions such as Pumpkins, beautiful foliage, hot Chocolate and home baked goodness! My flour and sugar jars are filled to the brim and ready for some baking action. I must admit summer was many grilled out dinners and being here in Southwest Fla. we grill all year through. But Fall brings home baked breads, muffins , pies etc.

As a little celebration of Fall I decided to make some homemade Cuban bread , My favorite back North was always Italian bread but here Cuban bread is super yummy! Bread is easier than you think! Even if you never made homemade bread this recipe is easy.
 The steps are easy,  dissolving the yeast in very warm water.

 All ingredients gets mixed well, Don't have doe beaters ....use what the good lord gave you! I always use my hands for doe making, this allows you to get to know the doe so to speak. It put you closer to all the steps the doe goes through....stop laughing I can hear you!  lol
 Kneading is important , you want to get all the lumps needed out and get it to a smooth texture. Funny story....I was making doe with little Natalie and the only way I could describe kneading was to be mean to it, slap it down and keep repeating.
 I have been bread making for 20 years since I was a little girl. This Cuban bread differs from most. Most recipes you just plop the doe in a loaf pan , with this bread you roll it out into a rectangle about 10x15 or so and jelly roll it. Don't skip this process it is very important. These have been rolled and have been placed in the oven to bake.
All done! lightly browned and ready to mop up some homemade Italian soup!

 Here is the recipe, the book is older than the hills....for real.

I hope youll try this recipe its super easy and bakes up perfectly, This bread is a winner, the texture and taste is perfect.   Happy bread making to you!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Hi there, how are you today? I think I have seen all the rain I want to see for this rainy season, I don't think I seen dry ground in days. That's ok ...soon we wont see rain for about 4 or 5 months. The children switched rooms here so I was able to take back a pretty piece of furniture. It has lots of pretty to it and also great for storage so I put her in the kitchen to hold casserole dishes and any thing glass. She was tired and sick of being covered up with material so this is the before....

She's about to get a white wash and some distressing.

 And this is the after.......


I decided to label the fronts with numbers, that way when someone says where is the juice pitcher I can say door #3. Plus I love stuff with numbers on it to me it says that the piece of furniture is in charge! ready to stand tall and store some glass kitchen stuff. It will also serve as a place to put up the winter hot beverage bar or to hold all the dishes that company brings in on the holidays!
Perhaps you have an old piece of furniture sitting idol in another room....why not pull it out and give it a whole new look. Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to visit!

Friday, September 19, 2014


Welcome , come on in for a spell......Iv'e been busy crafting some Fall fun! Moving things, changing things.

The lanterns are lit!

This is a little fall place setting, I crafted theses dish size burlap......Oh I don't really know what to call them perhaps "Charger wreaths" ??  I used a wire clothes hanger and simply sewed the edge and inserted the wire hanger. It adds a wee bit of Autumn to the table.

This little cabinet lives in the dining room and holds glasses and cups. I crafted an orange rag and raffia wreath using a lid ring from a butter container.
Recently I had shown my fireplace with the Country door shutters as a back drop but since have put my framed vintage mirror instead, I felt as though the shutters where too hidden.
I have placed them in a far corner of the living room paired up with the pump cans!
This is an apple garland that I crafted from brown paper bag.

Also attached are some cinnamon sticks that are just rolled brown paper with a lick of dark brown paint. Look real don't they?
 Blackbirds in wrought iron guard the kitchen window.

I bought this scarf many moons ago and only take it out for Fall. A painted glass pumpkin sits a top a round butcher block nestled in the corner.

I wanted to deck this vintage canning jar out with out making it permanent so I just put a bit of material inside and attached some raffia with a metal leaf napkin holder and some fall flowers. A great Fall statement without being permanent.
I crafted this Pumpkin sign, I painted the wood black first then added some orange . I glued on a piece of  white material and then stenciled.

I wanted something big for the center of the coffee table so I took a galvanized bucket and filled it with theses orange curly strands and then fit pinecones on the rim snugly.
I am so very happy you stopped by for a little spec of Fall !
Come join me at these parties for some wonderful inspiration! 


 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...