Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A .99 piece of Linen and some not used bed skirts , a little red paint some blue painters tape is all it took For a Foe grain sack Table runner!

Hi there , took my sewing machine out today! Just love that grain sack look. So I thought I would make a foe grain sack table runner. The first step was I sewed the edges of the piece of linen. Took some no longer bedskirts and made some ruffles and also a lace ruffle. When all was sewn I took some blue painters tape and made some lines that I painted in a red color. And that was it so actually just the cost of the textile @.99 seeing that I already had the bed skirts and paint this table runner costs me .99. Good-Will is a great place to buy new pieces of materials very cheaply.

You must have this tape and a tape measure to insure straight lines.

This project was a little time consuming but well worth it. Have some material around the house? Give it a try. This will be fine until I buy the real deal Grain Sack. Thank you for coming by for a visit.DIY Show Off

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