Monday, October 14, 2013

Warm up with an all equipt hot beverage station! Come on in and enjoy some nice hot coffee

Hi everyone , nice of you to stop by ! I would like to wish everyone celebrating the Canadian Thanksgiving Happy Holiday to you! Perhaps next year we will celebrate it also, here at Sweet Tea N' Salty Air we like to celebrate different traditions as well as are own. I like to educate the children about all traditions and holidays  not just our own. This year we will have a Menorah and learn about Hanukkah as well as our traditional Christmas.

Today I prepared a full service hot beverage center including a coffee pot, small pitcher for water, creamer cow, sugar jar, spoons, napkins, coffee filters, hot cocoa , tea and flavored tea. You can just boil water in your coffee pot for tea or cocoa if coffee is not your choice. Everything is right there so it can be run self sufficiently  and the teens and company coming in love it! I turned the first shelf of a huge bakers rack that I received for Christmas last year. The two drawers are great for holding several big mugs.

A vintage tool tray holds packets of hot cocoa and some napkins, a spoon rest is a must to keep the area clean so everyone will set their spoon there.
A rooster bowl holds some coffee filters.

A ruby red goblet holds plenty of spoons for stirring.

If you want to sweeten the pot a bit you can also put a jar of mini marshmallows on the shelf as well, I know the kids will be happy with that!

The best cup of tea or coffee is all about 1/2 & 1/2 for me. I just purchased some Dunkin Doughnuts French Vanilla and when you add a teaspoon of caramel that is a good cup of coffee. Cheers and keep warm! Thanks for stopping by to check out our hot beverage station!

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...