Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Pretty Easter Decor Using Plastic Eggs!

 Welcome friends! I'm sure everyone's ready to welcome Spring with open arms. And with Spring comes Easter, such a fun holiday to celebrate with family and friends. 

My dear aunt is a pro quilter so she passes all her fabric scraps off to me so I'm always coming up with great ways to use the colorful strips of fabric.

Here you will see that we hot glued the fabric to just regular plastic eggs that can be gotten just about any store cheaply .

After we covered all the eggs I painted some pieces of scrap wood and distressed them as well. Fabric was added to the bottom along with a bit of filler. Faux flowers, greenery and the wonderful colorful Easter eggs were added to make a pretty Easter decor for hanging on the door.

These were alot of fun putting together and lends such pretty pops of colors for the Spring season. Whether you are a sewer with scraps of fabric or have to buy fabric which can be bought inexpensively at Walmart and I recently visited our local dollar Tree and they had an array of rolled fat quarter fabric available. These Will make such a pretty Easter Gift as well!

                                Happy  Crafting!



  1. Cute idea. Is there some way to follow your blog? I don't see a link anywhere? Would love to follow you. xo Diana

  2. Thankyou Diane for the nice comment, I have added the subscribe button. Thankyou for visiting!


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 Welcome! Everyone is welcoming spring with open arms! Seems like winter put on a great show everywhere.  A colorful wreath is a great way t...