Tuesday, October 12, 2021


 Welcome! If you follow along you know how I love to make something from nothing. This craft is totally free. I used an empty soda box and brown paper from a box that I received in the mail today, I don't know if I was more excited about the contents or the brown packing paper. If you live in the south Publix grocery offers brown bags and also Aldis as well.  If you are unable to access those Dollar Tree has rolls of brown paper. Also old book pages would also work. For this craft you will need:

Empty soda box cardboard or cardboard of equivalent  weight

Brown paper

Hot Glue

Duct tape (used to hold the cone shape together)

Optional  paint, ribbon for tree decor

First step is creating a cone shape from the cardboard to the desired size. Use Duct tape to hold the cone shape. Trim the bottom so it sits flush on the table. 
Simply rip your brown paper into small sizes. Then simply one at a time sqish and roll the paper into a ball . The you can begin to Hot Glue the pieces to the cone. Keep going until the cone is completely  covered.

I left a bit bare on the bottom to represent a tree collar. Then I painted the very bottom.

I took a brush with white paint  and lightly brushed. 

This is a very easy craft and a great way to get family around the table, I enjoyed my afternoon crafting. You can add things such as glitter, beads, bows whatever you desire! These trees are definitely gift worthy. 

                                      Happy Crafting!


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