Saturday, March 21, 2020

Fun Spring Fireplace

Welcome! I do hope my readers are well. Our countries are braving together to cope with this terrible virus.

Too brighten things up a bit I have redecorated the fireplace . I added some faux flowers in galvanized containers, an old vintage window, a few vintage trinkets, a burlap/fabric rag garland and strings of white lights. My favorite is the vintage alarm clock
 It belonged to my grandmother whom I vacationed with as a child. She would bring this little alarm clock to the hotel to insure we wake up. Looking at the clock brings back such wonderful childhood memories.

Just a bit of Spring fun to brighten the day!

Thanks so much for dropping by

Monday, March 16, 2020

A Sassy Spring Kitchen

Welcome to you! Happy you could drop by today. I am excited to welcome Spring how about you?  Even though I dwell in SW Florida we still travel the seasons here but a tad different than up North.

This Spring I have incorporated some  bright colors, springy stems, vintage repurposed wooden pieces and a touch of french. Love to make the kitchen a happy place cause I do spend many hours in there.  Come let's take a look.....

 First thing I did was to paint the backsplash going for a worn wood look incorporating  some pistachio green. My own mixed color. Pink dishes are displayed in an old metal tool holder. I used an iron round scrolled piece as a backdrop for a colorful wreath .
 Some yellow curtains that I have sewn decorate the kitchen window along with some candle holders hung on each side and pitchers hung above on hooks.

 My baking cabinet with some painted canning jars.
 Bright yellow flowers sit ontop of the large butcher block island in a galvanized pail.
 Here you can see a piece of vintage wood that I salvaged from an ancient cabinet, it adds a bit of internet above the cabinets. I painted them colorful but distressed.

 I saw this french green sign in my vision travels and decided to create my own version.  It says fish soup 1$ a bowl. Also some old wood sticks in the wall basket displaying; flour, sugar and salt.
 A recent visit to our local citrus farm supplied us with some wonderful juice oranges. The old picture of pres. Washingtons cottage was found at our local Goodwill.
 This huge wicker piece is newly added. To add some whimsy I added some buffalo  fabric to the front. It holds oodles of kitchen supplies. It truly is part of a new bedroom suite I purchased from Craigslist but unfortunately it was too large for the doorway.

 A fresh coat of paint for the butcher block island.

Thankyou so very much for stopping on in today. Hope you will be enjoying Spring wherever  you may live.



 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...