Friday, March 22, 2019

A Pretty Makeover For My Tired Chandalier

Welcome, Anybody else have Spring fever? I have been in Spring mode for days. So I have been taking a good long look at my dining room chandalier thinking its either time to replace or redo. Then the children commented on how there was a haunted light just like mine in thier video game. Ok say no more kids. So I started shopping online and most I found had way to much bling . I also considered buying glass beads and prisms to add a tad of bling. But my final decision  would be to paint it light and go from there. So I dry brushed and love the effect. Using just white Rustoleum painters touch added to the look I was going for

 Dark and dated
 Some Lambs ear, faux eggs,lavender .

 I had 3 vintage spring to incoporate
 Theres a lot of bunnie bussiness going on here!_7

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...