Thursday, November 29, 2018


Welcome, its a chilly one today even in the south, I love it though! This weather calls for a steeping cup of cocoa and a good topping of marshmallows! This year I have created this winter drinkery with a bit of something for everyone. Grab a mug and lets check it out!

 The first thing is 2 electric coffee makers are ideal ,one for boiling water and one for coffee.

 So I have included tea,coffees, cocoas and instant oatmeal that can be had in just a couple of minutes. I also included brown sugar, marshmallows and sugar .
 spoons napkins and of course Candy canes …..oh my Oreo candy canes at that supper yummy.
 A winter drinker is a great way for guests to help themselves with everything right at their fingertips. All I have to replenish is the milk, half and half and whipped cream.
 A small pitcher for toting water and plenty of coffee filters.

A winter drinker could be a hostess helper for sure.....add some cookies, pie cakes or sandwiches and you have something nice to offer drop by guests with not a lot of time involved . How about you will you set up a winter drinker?

                                                                    Thank you for stopping on in!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

NO NEED TO BE AFRAID OF THE DARK..............& a tiny handcrafted fireplace

Hi and welcome! Im not talking about the actual lights off darkness ,I am talking about A dark painted room that so many of us are scared to plung into. Just so happens one of Glidden's hottest color for 2018 is Onyx. So I Have always wanted to have a fully dark painted room so I got a bit brave and went for it.

 Love the way the dark color  forces the white cabinets to pop

 I had another large wooden stool so a sawed it apart to craft a mini faux fireplace to add a bit of warmth to the room. I made a shelf to secure the fireplace together ,added a small shelf to hold the lights and wood .Up above I saved the backs off of 2 vintage rockers that had seen their day so that is the backdrop, cant wait to decorate for Christmas. Is a dark room for you, I will be sharing more of the room in my Christmas welcome home tour and your invited!

                                                                             Thanks so much for visiting!

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Hello welcome.....wondering ,did you see November coming in cause I sure didn't. Baking is in full swing here and I just wanted to prep an area with everything I needed at my fingertips to bake without having to scurry around from cabinet to cabinet when time isn't always on my side . What better place than a good sized bakers rack.

 The mixer is first priority, and attachments this Kitchen aide is wonderful even working with fresh doe. hand mixing tools, measuring cups and spoons, a sifter,cookie cutters , an apron and plenty of dishtowels.
 All baking pans, loaf pans etc are stored on the two shelves underneath along with serving trays and a couple of cutting boards.

 I bought the small glass chalkboard jars at Walmart for 2$ for 4 in a little metal handled tray a great clearance find. I have put items such as baking  powder, soda, and salt so far as I go along I will add nuts and chocolate chips etc. in the other jars.
 Big jars of flour and sugar and of course rolling pins.
 Notice my sign ? so far no one has applied

 The 2 drawers are filled with spices and the dish towels.
 The island is close enough where I can place cooling racks as I retrieve oven goodies.

 Today Apple Crostata! Love baking with apples How about You?
                                            Thanks for visiting  until next time happy baking!


 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...