Thursday, March 8, 2018

A Farm fresh Eggs BURLAP TABLERUNNER Giveaway!

Hi there friends .....thought you all would like to enter to win this cute table runner just in time for the Easter Holiday. Lets take a look at how I crafted it......
 I purchased a 5 in spool of burlap my favorite mataerial to work with so I hot glued two together to get a 10 in width
 I fringed the two ends
I made an egg stencil 

 Stenciled   farm fresh eggs thinking that you can use this all year through
 Speckled the eggs pink and added a few bows
 I am thinking that this would be nice anywhere, dresser, table counter

If you would like to enter the giveaway all you have to do is leave a little comment  and on Saturday I will put everyones name in a bag and my son will pick one , fun right!  Entries will stop on Sat. March10 @ 1:00 pm est Winner will be notified.  Open to all friends, readers and family My appreciation for all my STNSA visitors   Comments can be made on Sweet Tea N' Salty Airs facebook page, here or  Google plus

                                                                              Good luck!


  1. Love this! I have some burlap I picked up at the little thrift shop I volunteer at, every week, for the last 6yrs (yes, I have quite a junk collection! Lol!). It was supposed to be for laying over your garden beds, or potted plants, so it is actually a LONG thick strip, that, if used for pots, it has velcro on the ends, so u can stick it together around the pots. And, it came w jute string, I think to tie the top & bottom, so if it got cold, or colder, u could use to close the tops, as well. I WAS going to somehow make a burlap bag with it, but the velcro is kind of bulky, so it looked funny, and it's been sitting in my sewing scrap pile for a while now. I think, cut in half, it'll make a perfect runner, or maybe even two, I'm not sure, I'll have to measure the width!

    But, I love this idea of actually painting, with a stencil, right onto the burlap!! I always see people use their printer to print onto the burlap, but I never had luck w that, and the weave is a little wider on my piece, than on regular burlap, so that wasn't even an option. This, though, I'm like, OMG why didn't I ever think of this?! Lol, but, that's why YOUR the blogger, & I'm the.. Collector of junk! Lol! Thanks again!

    1. Thank you for the comment, burlap is very simple to stencil give it a try the runner is 10 in wide and 51 inches long , amd I too am a collector my junk is way too many dishes and textiles cant get enough of that! lucky for me they are easy to hide lol so I have entered you into the giveaway, thank you for visiting

  2. Ohh, and I def wanted to enter, lol, I'm not sure if I was supposed to put that... I hit send, bc someone kept calling my phone while I was trying to post my last comment, and I was almost done, and usually, when I get a call, it deletes my comments unless I get to publish it before they call... And, I knew he'd call back within 3 minutes... So I sent quickly, and hadn't said I did want to enter! =) Thanks again!


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