Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Hi and welcome to you! We have been having some huge tropical storms here in SW Florida. Yesterday late day a storm came through with such big thunder and rain , I heard loud crashes of thunder and then glass breaking. It caused my colored dishes that decorated my window above my sink to come crashing down .....the glass was broken in the sink meanwhile the electric went off which is usual for these parts. So let the storms hail! I have taken out my sewing machine and having a day of sewing fun.

I picked up an array of materials and I was meaning to make some new kitchen curtains. First measuring and cutting .........I wanted a curtain that could be open during the day and closed in the evening.

If you are indeed just starting out sewing curtains are a wonderful venue to go! If you can measure and sew straight lines you got this!  This way you can custom your size and design. Our local Goodwill  sometime has tons of donated material from a local store so I happen to get some wonderful buys 3-4 yd pieces for 1.99 and this is heavy upholstery grade so I bought as much as I could . I loved this patteren for the kitchen where dishes were really no longer trusted in the least not during hurricane season !

Here you have it .....just a café type, I crafted some burlap flowers for the tie backs.

This set is in three pieces the two tiers and a valance in between.

  Sewing away a rainy stormy day isn't so bad, so will you give sewing a whirl?  Walmart does carry an array of beautiful textiles at a reasonable price. Have fun with it!


Come party with me where I share my crafts.....

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...