Friday, May 27, 2016


Hi there!  thought today I would share an easy patriotic bunting that you and your family can craft.... one can do all the cutting ,another can fold and of course everyone will want to paint. All you need is some paper, I used a roll of paper that is about the same as grocery sac paper. So lets get started.......

first we need to cut some perfect circles, I used a round large dinner dish to trace the circle.
once the circle is cut the easiest way is to fold your circle in half then in half again.
ok now open it up and on a middle fold cut down halfway of the circle.
Should look like this.....this craft is very forgiving so its hard to botch it up.

Now starting at one end fold pleats back and forth

So they should resemble this.....they don't have to be perfect. Now is the fun part , time to add some color, I used some red, white & blue craft paints. We just painted some random lines here and there and this is what we came up with....It would also be nice to do them a solid color as well. So now you will need to attach these after the paint dries to some good heavy string. What I did first was straightened out the straight edge by adding a staple to the center. Then take your string and tuck it under at the straight edge and staple or glue it they should all be touching. Then you will have something like this.

I hope you and your family will give this a was a fun craft!

                                              Happy crafting

You can find me sharing here........

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Welcome ! Happy you could stop in.........Am I the only one that thinks of red white & blue décor for summer? I gather all my red white and blue stuff to scatter around to celebrate summer holidays and Memorial day as well. My dil found a very unconventional piece on the side of the road just waiting for the trash truck, the fact that it is ancient and rust worthy warranted the pickup even though I had no clue how to display it, take a look.......

 A doctors scale......crazy right?  Boy did I get the Junk collector look when we brought that in. I actually have it on the screen porch, I added a floral iron basket for now.

The doctors in right???   It still works, mr. Sweet Tea stepped up there and then told me to give it a try. My answer was a lady never steps on the scale in front of a man......he bought my reply  lol.

I also found these cute blue and white breakfast dishes at Good will....

I fell for these as soon as I seen them, they each have a different picture such as bagel, jam, croissant. I have a few aboard an old red tool caddy.

 Someone gave me a huge bag of clothes so I let the girls take a look first then I picked all the Red, white & blue and started ripping them up to look like this...

I made a huge rag garland and placed a star in the middle , it greets our friends !

 Just some stray pieces of white I added a lick of paint to.
 Just for fun some bingo cards and red and blue dishes in my homemade planter box.
 Also gathering all the blue and white dishes
Love these berry dishes for summer also a previous thrift store find

Some rag balls in a clay bowl and blue glass

 A fun vignette on the coffee table A basket type tray with a canning jar filled with faux cherries and a metal star filled with blue beads.

Wishing you and your family a safe and fun filled holiday weekend!

Come and join me here for some wonderful inspiration!

Monday, May 16, 2016

SUMMER IT UP for the kiddies , it does not have to cost a fortune!

Hi there........come on lets mosey on to the back yard, As summer quickly approaches all the children will have the close of school and are ready for some summer fun!   We have a huge built in pool that is our neighborhood but its not always convenient to get to so our back yard is set up for lots of summer time fun......
 This is a great pool for kids and adults as well, It has a tube around the top that hold all the water in . The kids are loving it! Big Lots carries these pools at a very low price. The pool is great because it is not that deep but has ample room to swim. Hmmm they are giving me the peace sign so that must mean they plan on keeping the peace and being good listeners!

It's getting them out that is the challenge.

 We have a screened in lanai but it is located in the front part of the house so we also picked up this screen gazebo as well from Big Lots. We don't put fancy furniture in there and its far from a show gazebo but its a great place to sit and watch the kiddies swim and have a bite to eat. You can jazz up a screen house with a garland, some pretty plants.
 Mosquitos are out in full force and they also carry viruses so a screened in area is a must. We actually have a bbq back here, a playhouse and sandbox and a fire pit. A one stop summer party!

 I shop a bit at Save-a-Lot and many times when I leave I see these fruit crates that are free for the taking so I lined the crate with a heavy duty contractor bag put holes on the bottom and filled it with potting soil and these pretty flowers.

 All this because if the kids aren't happy either are we, you know how that goes .
 I am looking for a table that I can set out here to put gadgets on such as the icey maker, the popcorn machine etc

Sand pies anyone?
A break from the pool renders some sand pies
Come and join me as I share my fun!

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Welcome! nice of you to stop may want to gather your colored papers, some scissors and some glue or tape. We are having a birthday party next Saturday, it will be at the pool and screened in I thought of this for some evening ambience.

 I found this very cool paper at Tuesday mornings..

So first you cut a desired piece as big or little as you want it.

 Fold the edges over a couple of times
 Use something strong to run over the seams
Now just cut up to the fold, open and close with tape or stick glue at the end.
 Now all you need is a tea light and viola
Seeing that everyone had a hand in this craft we got several different sizes

The kids really enjoyed the final phase of the making!

 Going from simple paper to something so lit and bright!

All of your family will want to craft these lanterns....a really fun family activity for little or no money. Brown grocer bags would also work and take the fun to the next level by letting your little ones decorate the paper.
Hope you and your family will have a fun craft day!

Come join me for some awesome inspiration!


 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...