Hi there, happy you stopped in, as I had said I have a new computer with a allot of fun picture features and as I was trying some out I decided to do my tour with a vintage look....just love it I would paint and switch everything up to get this color hue!
Here is a huge china cabinet that I inherited with my new chest that I have shared with some other do dads....
An Ice box that I bought at Goodwill, I thought it was a dresser because it was facing against the wall when I turned it around I was so surprised and there was no way I was leaving that store without it at a mere 50$, it is perfect on the inside as well the bottom left is where the block of ice goes, soon I will do an open exhibit and share it with you all. The basket is hanging from the ceiling beam with many more.
We just had some new plumbing put in and this crazy of a crazy lady saved the rusty old pipes so now it is a perch for the bird house!
Lets step into the kitchen.........
I crafted this sign from an old glass picture frame and a vintage cherry printed table cloth.
I also used a piece for the china cupboard in the dining room, the iron outdoor plant holder holds the placemats
Wine anyone??
The dining room table is at its smallest now but when the leaf is in I use a bench and it sits 7 easy.
I stenciled a little rooster friend on the crock
Living room......
A rest area it is!
The theatre TV is the big attraction in here and trust me you would not want to be our neighbor Mr STNSA has theatre speakers all over this room and it gets very loud. We are movie watchers and popcorn eaters! We are regular people who enjoy life to the fullest everyday!
Wish I could build some type of enclosure for this beast though, did I mention it was also 3D?
Lazy kitty napping!
Lunch is eaten here at this bar....
I do most of my food prep on the big butcher block
This can as a popcorn gift from Christmas that I faux painted into a wooden bait bucket to hold all kitchen utensils.
My window box that I crafted out of pine is filled with sunflowers and greens.
This was a vintage bread box but now a garden fairy sits here with some pretty flowers
Those are red potatoes that are about to join a pork roast in my oven! Yum
Don't you just love a pin up lamp? they seem to lend that little extra bit of light that's needed, I have a fetish for them just look on my supply shelves and you will see.

You see fish here and there the new kitchen makeover is "Fishing Cottage" , seems fitting being only about 5 miles from the Florida Everglades! We never know what we are going to find out doors here, looked out my living room window and a huge bear was having himself some Pizza from our neighbors trash! I guess he heard me so he took his pizza and went down the road a ways I kinda creeped around and followed him , would you believe he lay down on the grass and finished his pizza down the road a ways! The bears here are not violent for the most part. The rangers come out and ask us not too feed them and stay in when they are about.......I love watching them though. This is the place to see so much wildlife...the water across the street has Manatees and many alligators and offers good fishing as well. Snook is the best eating fish here!
Well hope you enjoyed the out of the ordinary vintage touched tour!
Its just a cottage type home by the sea and visited by many wild animals but we do love this life style!
Come join me at the following parties for some wonderful inspiration and some delicious recipes!