Friday, March 25, 2016


Hi and welcome....don't you just love it when your driving down the road and you see something at the curb that your figuring really has no business heading to the dump? Well there it was leaning up along side a mailbox . Then you quickly pull over and examine your find and if it's a keeper you quickly throw it in your vehicle. So I picked up this mirror with a wooden frame.
Well here it is, just a pine semi dark stained wood, but Im going to give it a bit of a vintage style life, a pretty one that will be long lived.

ok first step is get the stencil ready and some vinyl spackling also a small size scrapper.
Simply put a small amount on some card board and apply it over the stencil little by little taking care not to use it too much. Be sure it is smooth something like doing a wall I guess, then just lift the stencil off....
It should look like this. Practice on some cardboard would  be helpful just to get the practice.
So here we have it.....

Be sure to let the sparkling dry before painting, it should dry in about 30 min. or so.
Now its time to paint the whole mirror, with paint of your choice I used a flat paint with a bit of baking soda added to it so it will sand well.

 And here we have the finished product.
 I used a light greenish/bluish color and went over the raised areas and did some sanding around to give it some age.

This is an easy inexpensive way to add some beauty to any piece of wood/ plastic or whatever. 

The mirror is set up with a butcher block in the dining room that I use for serving.

This is one of those old fuzzy bunnies that I dabbed some paint onto.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

It's just a Spring Thing!

Welcome to Sweet Tea N' Salty Air......just lovin the new life of things that Spring brings. The air has a certain scent usually anyway it seems as though the sea has brought many fish to the canals because I can smell the fish from my home....the waters edge is about 250 ft from my door yard. In a good way though a fresh caught fish scent you know the one just before the little guy hits the frying pan.

Today I thought instead of making a traditional wreath base for one spring décor item I would use my vintage ladder.

 Petunia's are blooming daily, I usually pull the dead blooms daily.

 I bought some colorful artificial blooms to decorate with.....the vintage ladder gets a bit of color

A grapevine wreath also is decorated and hung on the front gate

 Basil is a necessity in my kitchen , we cook allot of tomato dishes.
 Behind the petunias is a wild flower that will bloom these pretty flowers soon
 This rooster is surrounded by 4 different greeneries can you name them? Cause I sure can't lol I can see mint, petunias and the pink behind the rooster is a wild grow.
 Green onions ready for salad tonight

And this is Powder an old hunter that loves the out doors he runs from me at night when I cage him to protect him from the wild animals of the Everglades.
How are you celebrating spring at your neck of the woods?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A KITCHEN REDO STARRING "TEAL LAGOON" A COLOR BY GLIDDEN......COME ON IN! happy to share my kitchen redo with you. On a recent trip to Home Depot I scanned every option of paints that were available but I kept going back and looking at this marvelous color Teal Lagoon by Glidden......totally not the usual color I would pick but I am so happy I did. I decided to go with a sea side theme seeing that we are all about fishing and wildlife, we live about 5 miles from the Fla. Everglades so I thought it would be fitting. Well grab some Sweet Tea and come on in through the shutter doors.

 Walmart now sells Waverley Fabrics in the craft dept. I found some teal fabric with some French words printed on it.

 I lined the sill up with some tiny coke bottles filled with some flowers.

 This copper fish tray sits above the stove.
 Glass mild bottles filled with some Daisies sit on the shelf behind the stove.
 You know those Popcorn tins that almost everyone gets for Christmas? Don't throw them away, I turned this into a great cooking utensil holder. I sprayed it white then took a string and dipped it into paint and just layed it on the can every 4 in or so to make it look like wooden planks. I this used a brittle brush to get the wood look.
 "Bait Bucket"

 Lunch is served!

 I had saved some of the bottom rings from lamp shades so I just weaved a fish net around and around and added some shells. A beach bird sits upon the shelf with some glass items.

 An old basket holds all the kitchen rags.

I painted the stools over and added some linin stripes.

 The basket that hangs above the kitchen island hold a copper bin with an oversized fish

 I had bought a set of café lights that I have hung over the stove.

Fishing basket holds all the cooking mits


Thank you for stopping in for a visit, until next time happy crafting, decorating or painting!


 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...