Hi there, hop in your just in time for our holiday to the Florida Everglades! We don't have to go very far its just down the road a few. You ready we are going on a gator hunt.....not really but we will find some.
First stop the beautiful ocean in the everglades, this part is just for looking at if we stick around here long enough we can see a dolphin or two and maybe even a shark.
Here is the famous Rod And Gun Club...remember the movie "Gone Fishing" staring Danny Glover and Joe Pesci this is were the movie was made. They actually catch this place on fire in the movie. If you have not seen the movie you must it is hilarious. The inside is so beautiful with Florida woodwork and vintage fishing décor and its right on the water were the famous Stone crabs are plentiful. If you have never eaten Stone crabs they are superb, the very best of crabs.
This is the side view of the lodge.
This is one captain who will take you out on a fishing trip that you will for sure bring home dinner. Snook is my favorite Florida fish .
Now we are what is called Everglades city it is very tiny and not really a city at all , this is the beautiful town hall. They only have one school grades k-12.
This is the Everglades Bed & Breakfast, it is actually the first bank building in Collier County. When they first opened story has it they had a huge hurricane and all the money got wet so they hung it out on lines in the yard. I was Managing Innkeeper her about 15 years or so ago. Love this place! Breakfast in the vault anyone?
There are a few restaurants here and all serve gator meat and of course Key lime pie a Florida favorite.
I found this sign , just love it!
This is the lovely old church with a ton of charm.
OK people, see this sign we are going deep into the Glades in a few so NO FEEDING THE ALLIGATORS. If you do one you can plan on a trip to the jail. They strickly inforce that rule they even have wild animal detectors on the poles that take pictures and have flashing lights when an animal is detected. Some of the wildlife include Bears, Deer, black panthers, bob cats plus many others.
This is a typical Everglades home built up on stilts due to Hurricanes and flooding and as you can see they are beautiful. At one time you could pick property up cheaply here but now you would need at least a million or two.
Ok widows up, we are on a dirt back road where the biggest of Gators get out of the water and sun themselves.
Wow look at him!
I promise officer we will not feed the Alligators!
This guy sleeps with his mouth open!
I always see people out of their cars taking pictures from the canal slope...bad idea, they can move up on you quickly and instead of them worrying about us feeding the Alligators they'll be feeding themselves! yikes!
They are plentiful here, I believe that a fisherman who has a license can kill and sell the meat of a certain amount per year. But not here in this area these Gators are protected to the maximum level.
There is nothing like the Everglades sky.
The wild birds are so beautiful and graceful.
We are traveling down a dirt road that we have never ventured on before.
Well the sun will be setting soon so we will head back home now. Hope you enjoyed the Everglades it is such a beautiful place also offered is Air boat rides and Alligator wrestling, Indian villages and lots of lodging. The Florida Everglades is a wonderful place to Family vacation. Ooodles of wildlife, seafood, Ocean fishing and boat tours. I am so happy you came along!