Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Happy New Year to you and your family! So happy you stopped by to visit. You may be planning a great New Years of excitement! Not me , we are quiet celebrator's , you know a nice dinner and good company. We keep the night alcohol free seeing that we are offering rides home to friends that may be just slightly intoxicated. We do this on a running basis in honor of my daughter who got in a friend of a friends vehicle and nearly lost her life, she surely did have god guiding her that night after rolling 5 times at a speed of 119mph hitting a pole and landing on the side of a house. We thank god every day for sparing her. Soooo that's why we pick up and drop off with no questions asked.

It's also time for resolutions, for some they hold true others have good intentions but leave their resolutions high and dry. That's why I always say not to make your resolutions to unrealistic. And I also say that it's better to have had a little resolution than not to have had one at all. Well friends it's the beginning of a whole new year..... time to be healthy, love and protect your family, laugh a lot, be kinder to your grumpy neighbors, live in your kids world, spend it when you have it, help someone less fortunate and have fun in your everyday life! Happy New Year and be safe friends.

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...