Thursday, March 5, 2015


Hi and welcome to Sweet Tea N' Salty Air! I have something amazing to share with you today! Take a look.........

To what to my wondering eyes should appear ..........about 15 Tomato plants growing on the side of my house in the grass no less! Never I repeat never did I plant these I could never grow such beauties even if I tried! OK this was taken about a week and a half ago this is today......

These amazing plants have grown about 6 inches and are full of yellow flowers! I have thought about moving them or fertilizing them but I decided to let them alone except for some watering. About 2 monthes ago we fertilized with some plain lime. So where do you think these beauties came from? I like to think my dad had something to do with it, my best friend passed away about 3 years ago and he was a dedicated Tomato he could grow some wonderful fruits. So generally when I think of Tomato plants I think of him ......making his yearly trip to the farm market to purchase just the right Tomato plants, he would take them home plant them and baby them and see them through until harvest. There is something so solely wonderful about gardening! Sooooo, how did they get here did someone through a Tomato at the side of my home? Did a bird through down? Or is this just a wonderful miracle?  I will keep you posted about the plants as they grow. Will they be Big Boys, Cherry we will just have to wait to see.........

A Tribute to Dad

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