Wednesday, June 7, 2023


Welcome everyone! Happy you stopped on by today. I was so ready for a master bedroom makeover! I wanted to rid of the dark grey walls along with the dark bedding. So I did some online shopping and was able to find everything for a bit under 200$. Headboard included.  I was going for the casual summer cotton farmhouse look, while trying to keep a minimum budget.  

First up , a nice white blanket of color on the walls. Bye bye dark grey! This paint went on well with good coverage. It's like a breath of fresh air for the walls.

Next a nice sun blocking simple curtain that is not totally blackout. Found these on Walmart online.

Next, a nice cotton duvet  light stripes that any farmer would love to cuddle up to. I searched until I found just the right set. Found on ebay. Inexpensive and shipped quickly. I stuffed the duvet with a nice fluffy quilt. Love the look.

Next I wanted a lightweight farmhouse style headboard, found that on I love it! Perfect look , I attached a mini pendant that I crafted. 

Next, I found the nicest pillow on Walmart, fits my them so pretty and well made. Decorative ya know, when Mr farmer took it to cuddle with I quickly retrieved it, that's decorative not for use I replied lol 😆! Men just don't get that sometime. Am I right? The pillow was a surprise cause I never thought for that price I would get something so very nice.

 The sign is a recent purchase from Temu, Temu is a new online shopping network . The sign came just on the canvas but I attached it to a piece of wood using a staple gun. Well worth it! The wording is perfect and the canvas is good quality.

And there you have it! Just a wee bit under 200$  I love the challenge of a budget! So the lamps I had, they were thrifted and ispray painted the bases. The other decorative illow I sewed.i had the window frame I gave it a lick of black paint. The wreath is a rag wreath with a big ole farmhouse bow I crafted.  So let's take a look and see how it all came together.

I'm thinking that the headboard will be fun to decorate for the seasons and holidays. Staying on an affordable budget takes some good online shopping strategies. The only drawback with this is that I have a window behind the bed. The bed really can't go anywhere else so it's just one of those things to pillow though..I love it and for about 10$! I believe this makeover could be done for less, marketplace on fb had oodles of headboards for cheap. Hope you enjoyed the makeover and have some inspiration to revive a room or two. 

                         Happy Decorating


Saturday, June 3, 2023


 Welcome ! Spring means gardening even if you don't have a "green thumb". This will be my second year growing Zinnias. They are the most beautiful, hardiest and surprising flowers to grow. I say surprising because their are all different colored flowers, as well as shapes. Some are huge and bursting with vibrant color and others are dainty and mildly colored. This will happen just from 1 pk. Of seeds. 

I did plant the seeds in a long window box, nothing special just reg outdoor potting soil. I tended to watering everyday. Made sure the window box was in a sunny place and before you know it seeds had sprouted.

When the stems were about 5 inches I transplanted them to my wrap around flower bed in my front yard. Soon enough flowers were blooming and standing tall. Even in this hot Florida sun! Let's take a peek. They also love being sandwiched in between vegetable plants and fruits such as my pineapples and onions

Really though, anyone can grow these from seeds no pro gardener needed there. It's alot of fun watching them grow and quickly too. I started some more seeds so when these dwindle ill be ready to replace them with new plants. Also a great flower to cut and place in your home.

                      Thankyou for joining me today!

                           Best of luck gardening!



 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...