Monday, March 22, 2021

A shabby farmhouse dining room makeover

 Welcome  home! Been spending alot of time breathing in Spring, planting, painting, cleaning and even wallpapering. Speaking of wallpaper I am so happy to see it going back up on walls! If you ask me it makes a finishing touch statement to any room. And so many options and so many manufacturer's.  You can spend as little or as much as you will.  

So my dining room does not have a window and that is a minus for me but the open floor plan with the living room that has 2 large windows sheds a bit of light. So I wanted to bring some fun and bright colors to the room that is often full of family dinners, birthday celebrations and holiday meals. 

I have put together a list of what I have done to the room to take it out of dull. 

Painted the walls a grannysmith Green

Papered the backsplash a vintage brick leftover from the kitchen backsplash. 

Papered the countertop

Painted the table and chair tops a vintage green

Added some fun decor including a cow art print that I purchased through a Walmart vendor for about 10$

The large mirror and vintage wooden seat/garden bench was given to me by our very wonderful neighbor.

Welcome! Please come on in ....right through the doors

The potterybarn copper tray was a thriftstore find for about 4$ I shined it up and removed some of the tarnish using some lemon slices and salt

The paper on the counter was just too dark so I gave it a whitewash and a coat of water-based poly
This rooster is also a thrift find
Lucky I had a glass frame for this little guy

Mirrors can give a room an instant feeling of space

This very old bench is built like a solid shi* house as my gram would say. There is an opening on the top for easy handling place for all the garden tools and a seat as well!

I just painted a worn lick of paint to be cohesive with the table.

Thankyou so  much for stopping in!

                                         Happy decorating!


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A Gathering of Thriftstore FindsFor A Tired Vintage Window

 Welcome friends! I just know you are looking forward to Spring. It's been a long winter haul with a ton of add ons such as Covid 19. But at least Spring opens a new door that includes gardening my very favorite. There's something so easing about planting and digging your hands in rich soil.

I finally had a thriftstore and garden shop trip on Sunday. First time since my spill off the ladder that landed me in surgery to repair my fractured arm, yikes!

I don't know if your a lover of Vintage windows but I simply love the look. To me its a necessity in Farmhouse decor. I have this huge window that just needed a bit of embellishments.  So I had an idea! I set out looking for corbels, faux greenery. Both I was able to find . 

I found a gallon of  Gram Green premium paint at Lowes opps counter. It's that green that just describes vintage. So I gave the corbels a stingy swipe of paint.

I found 4 bunches of greenery for about 2$. They will scatter on the shelf. 

So I cut a piece of mahogany wood to fit just right on the corbels. 

Thriftstores can really bring your ideas to life. The corbels were about 6$ for the set.  Shelves are always fun to decorate for the seasons and holidays.  I see some bunnies up there in the future! 

Are you also a frequent thriftstore shopper?  Most finds are well worth the trip. 

Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me share my latest  shenanigans with you!

                          Happy Thrifting!


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A Fun Vintage style brick backsplash


homemade paste

 Hi friends, welcome! Today I'd like to share  the v intage style brick backsplash that I papered today I purchased the wallpaper from Walmart online platform. Wow did you know that you can order just about anything even a kitchen sink,  trust me I looked  it up lol. The wallpaper came not prepasted or peel n stick but no worries,  I whipped  up a batch of paste that worked  perfectly.  2 quarts of water, 1/2 cup each of cornstarch  and sugar. Wow I liked it better than most I have purchased.  Wallpapering was my gig many moons ago. So nice to see wallpaper making a comeback so for under 20$ my kitchen got a whole you look so let's take a peek.

I'm loving the transformation.  How about you  have you done any  wallpapering, love to hear about it in the comments. 

Thanks so much for stopping by  happy crafting and decorating!  Lisa


 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...