Saturday, February 23, 2019


Hi there friends, so I have been looking at my dining set and thinking maybe its time for new or new to me old. So I made a mental list weighing the positives and negatives. Well the positives outweighed the the only one negative. Lets see its all wood, nothongs broken , the chairs are comfortable, with the leaf and bench we can sit 9 people. The only neg was needs a facelift or should I say tablelift?

The chairs were white and deep red and the paint was rather nicked and worn in a bad way.

So I was thinging just a pure white with a gloss so that cleaning would be a breeve and you cant go wrong with white . So I purchased my favorite painters Touch, a great tough paint by Rustoleum. I use this paint on most of my projects.

 The hutch is also painters touch gloss white.

 I have done a post in the past a couple of times about this raised look, it is done using a stencil snd some caulking. An easy process to add interest to a flat surface.

 One thing that attracted me to this table is the pedestal wooden base, love that look.

White is always wonderful. Im actually loving this set again. No I didnt sand any worn spots Im just going to let it wear naturally. So before you want to toss your set to the road side think again, paint can be your best friend!

Thanks so much for stopping in!


Thursday, February 21, 2019


Welcome, am I the only one dreaming of Spring? Probably too early for some. It was fun  decking the fireplace with some fun decor and a crafted new sign. Everything that I incorporated was items I had on hand. The Farm Market sign was living life as a chalkboard up until yesterday that is. The most important thing is to have fun decorating. There are some of us that like to purchase fun items and some like to craft item, I guess I may be a little of both, how about you ? Crafting signs is an easy way to live out the Farmhouse style.

 The sign was easy to do using stencils and paints, some sanding and a great way to make a sign looked age is to mix a bit of a brown tone paint with water a baggie and just blot the paint randomly about.

 I filled an old watering can with a mix of faux flowers. On the left side I placed a trio of vintage lanterns along with some vintage kitchen tools. A simple white rag garland to complete the decor.

 This was the chalkboard turned Farmhouse market sign.

So have fun with your Spring decorating and remember its what ever you like that fits your style!

                    Thankyou for stopping in
             Happy decorating friends!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

What if I told you you can craft decorative Tabacco Basket For No $?

Tobacco  baskets are the Farm house craze that's sweeping through every makeshift Farmhouse in the land. So what is the story behind Tabaco baskets you ask? Well they are just that a flat basket that would hold the big picked leaves . Yadkin county had about 6 Basket companies but no more. However Rumer has it A very experienced 80 year old Bud Miller  may still be crafting a few Tobacco baskets. It is an art and craft that is taken very serious.  As the story is told the leaves would be picked rolled into bundles and placed on the baskets in a circular way. The baskets kept the leaves from being on the dirty floors. They were made of very strong oak slit wood. The horses would bring the Tobacco to the market on wagons. So that's just a bit of history......If you have priced a vintage basket they can rum anywhere from 40- 200 plus$.

So a wonderful lady Daisy Jessee made a great tutorial on how you can make a decorative Tobacco using a pizza box...WHAT......Her voice was so calming and it was 3:30 AM her time She was talking with a very low whisper but just enough so we could hear her fabulous instructions. The group is DIY Farmhouse Vintage Shabby chic a great Facebook group where people are automatically your friend!

So I thought just let me give it a try.....So Sunday evening after a long day of fairs and shopping I decided to stop and get a few pizzas the kids love that. Of course in the back of my mind I am thinking yessss! Ive got the boxes I need for the project .

So Monday I got busy watching the wonderful tutorial, I believe if you would like to view this you must join the fb group. Well worth it. Its just basically cutting strips of the boxes and weaving them and building the sides. And the cardboard is very forgiving, paints well. After scanning the internet I found that they were being made of posterboard as well.

 For this craft you will need the boxes, paint, hot glue sticks , ruler and a stapler.

 I thought since this is a free craft I also used some white cotton material for the roses and a brown grocery sack for the rose stems and leaves. So every thing is free totally!

 The roses are so simple to do as well....just cut a strip of material fold in half and swirl and bunch and there you have it!

                                                           Will you give this craft  a whirl?
                                                             Thanks so much for stopping in today!


Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Whites Of Winter And Colors Of Spring.....

Welcome! So happy you could stop in for some chit chat! Ive been dreging through the house for days , changing and adding. I have to share this bit that i recently read on a facebook farmhouse group that I belong. A gentleman qued in to say we were all wanna bes, our houses are not really on a farm etc.etc. okkkk so I dont have pigs and chickens etc. Im thinking wow. Dont blow my happiness up please! I love my style of farmhouse in my home, its simmply my warm happy place that I celebrate the old each day. Everything such as my slider glass doors gone barn door. Roosters , pigs, metals and wickers plus. Our homes are what ever you want it to  be

So I have been super busy fixing thi gs around the house that are not up to my liking. The master suite was a biggie. I painted , did the floor and extended my farmhouse on in. I can show you bits and pieces due to the fact I promised my family I wouldnt put bedrooms on my blog but whos to say I cant show bits and pieces .

 Just a white large rag wreath with somstems I bought at Walmart, lambs tongue, lavender and huge daisies.

 A shutter I attached a galvanized bucket ans a sign. I just love shutters to farmhousedecorate, love that you can tie pretty decor
Decided to paint the bedroom floors its a 4 step process but the end result was worth it

This is the quilt pattern.

One thing I am amazed at is the Parsely that i have in the garden. It never took up during the summer so it being winter here in sw florida where we dont really have rain. So parsley loves a bit of sun and very little water.

I have been enjoying the parsely in soups and sauces and a great potato salad.

I have been slowly disecting a very vintage cabinet and trying to incoporate the wooden pieces in the house. This piece was the top of the cabinet.

I decided to use it as a back drop for my chopping table, I was tempted to paint it but thought I would enjoy the  rich wood grain for a while so I just decorated it with 3 farm animals found at Hobby Lobby.

The wood top on my island is actually part of the shelving in that disected vintage cabinet. So if you have a piece of vintage furniture that has seen better days get creative and repurpose the wooden pieces.

                        Thankyou for stopping in today!



 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...