Thursday, April 17, 2014


Hi there!  My 13 year old homeschooler loved todays lesson, homemade refrigerator pickles! He worked so hard peeling garlic, cutting , measuring and harvesting our fresh Dill from the garden.  After today he says he may consider a chef career, a far cry from a gaming designer! It sure was fun  working with him in the kitchen, I so wanted to photograph him but he wasn't having it.
 The first detail was harvesting some very aromatic Dill.
Gathering all the ingredients, White vinegar , fresh garlic, cucumbers, kosher salt, onions a couple bay leaves and of course a great big glass jar. When I was a child my Gamma Sally made the very best Polish pickles not in a jar but a huge crock,  we couldn't wait to eat them. I could only wish our pickles would taste half as good as my grams. The best part about this recipe is that there are no heavy canning instructions such as boiling jars etc. Just boil the ingredients as directed pour of pickles and add fresh herbs. The only draw back is you have to keep the jar in the refrigerator until they are finished pickling. The Duggar family prompted us to make the pickles, you know 19 Kids And Counting.

Its so very simple Just boil   4 c white vinegar , 2 c water, 8 tsp. salt, 8 tsp. pickling spice. Meanwhile cut 4 lg. cucumbers which ever way you desire, we cut them into spears also peeled fresh garlic and onions and of course some fresh dill, I told my son to kind of squish the dill in his hands to wake up the flavor and aroma of the Dill, he thought that was weird but funny. So after the first 4 ingredients comes to a boil set your sliced cucumbers, onions garlic and dill in the clean glass jar and pour the boiling mixture right in the jar, simply let it cool cover and refridgerate for about a week or so the best way to tell is to do a taste test after a few days we are hoping to get our pickles on the Easter table.

I so hope you may try this recipe if indeed you are a pickle lover! Gather your children to join in , kids love pickles and helping in the kitchen. Thank you so much for stopping by!

Black Fox Homestead

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