Friday, July 18, 2014


Welcome to Sweet Tea N' Salty Air! Hows your garden growing? You don't need much land to grow herbs and vegetables, just some pots and good garden soil would work. This year my specialty garden project is Herbs, using them all from Mint Sweet Tea to Italian sauce enticed by fresh Sweet Basil. My favorite has been the Dill, my son and I have been making Pickles and they are super yummy! So in honor of my always picking and there for me Herbs I decided to make a set of Vintage style signs. My vintage dresser has always had this bum drawer so I decided to do away with the inners and just make it a "dummie" drawer.  I just couldn't throw away the beautiful pieces of vintage oak.
 I love the look of the aged wood against the black walls. You never really know what you have hanging around the house that you can make into a treasure and the best part is you are making something very old new again.
 These are the Herbs that I am actually growing and using allot of.
 I did not use a stencil , I wanted it to seem "Farm Stand" such a great piece of my past. If you are from Ct. you will know what I am talking about. I would go to the Geramia Farm Stand with my mom or grandma and fill brown bags with fresh grown corn , tomatoes and Herbs as well. Yes we have farm stands here also but as a child it was way more fun!

 I had some artificial Herbs so I attached some small bundles.

Herbology, the study of Herbs including their medicinal purposes .

Have any great old wood hanging around your house? Why not make a kitchen sign?
Thank you for stopping in, until next time get crafty and make a sign.

Come party with me ! 

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...