Saturday, September 19, 2020

Some fun Facebook live shopping!

 Welcome, happy you could stop on in ! OMG have you tried any live online shopping? Wow I can't begin to tell you what fun and joy it brings to me.  I have bought items and received them packed well and descent prices. A great way to do some Christmas shopping!

Ol' Barn Door has a great online evening shopping extravaganza! There are 2 very best friends that pick together to bring some very cool stuff to the live sales.  A little bit of everything , some vintage, country, prim and rustic.  These two gals love what they do!  Here are some examples of items that have been for sale:

While  some of these items may have been sold not too worry every week there are different items and lots! The prices are very low and shipping is available on most items.While the ladies are bringing live sales to your home they have recently purchased a building in East Bethany which which will doon be filled with a slew of great finds. Not sure when the brick and morter will be open but I will be watching and let my reader friends whom live in the East Bethany, NY area know.  But until then you can find  the Ol' Barn Door on Facebook and join in on the live sales that are held at least once a week. 

This will be a great way to do a bit of Christmas shopping!  Good luck on your finds and Happy Shopping!

          If you are looking for a specific item send the gals an email@



 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...