Sunday, August 25, 2019

A New Look For A Autumn Fireplace

Hi there, happy you could stop on by,  Im always saying , dont be quick  to throw a vintage piece of furniture to the curb. I had a vintage cabinet with the curved glass. Anyway when we had hurricane Irma it got totaled. I had it out on the screen porch and the wind was strong enough to push it over and move it about. So I did what I usually do I dissected it and stashed all the pieces away for future projects. As I was looking at my faux fireplace I began thinking wow! I could use the large wooden back and this will be my backdrop for the fire place!

I did some measuring, got it screwed onto the wall.

 I gave the wood a worn down  look with some light paint.
 And there you have it! Last night I picked up a set of  Edison lights and added them for fun.
 The wreath I made from some ivy  creeping around.
 I made a rag garland added it to the top.

 Added 2 metal pieces , filled with olive branches and wooden pumpkins.

 The ragbow is all so simple to make.

By adding the wooden backdrop  it seems to complete the look by adding depth. So dont be quick to toss out wooden pieces you just might be able to repurpose them.

                         Thankyou for stopping in!


 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...