Friday, July 19, 2019


Hi there, nice of you to stop by, If your family is like mine they love Polish pickles, the crunchy sidekick to a sandwhich or burger. This recipe is the very best and its versatile so you can add whatever you like to the basic recipe. When I say easy I am talking super easy. No canning, no boiling jars.  Simply boil the water , vinegar,  and salt and pour over your cucumber filled jars. Thats when the magic takes place. When the jars are cooled simply put caps on and refridgerate. In about 3 to 4 days you have a crunchy delicious pickle.

The basic recipe is:
About 5 medium Cucumbers
Lots of dill, if your buying in pkgs at the grocery 2 would work.
1 cup of white vinegar
1/2 cup of sea salt
Sliced onion any kind
8 cups of water
So you can also add hot peppers for spice, fresh garlic, carrots whatever you lik

So the first step is boiling  your salt, vinegar  and water. While thats doing you can cut up your cucumbers, onions and start to layer in even amounts dill, onion and cucumbers. Go ahead and fill your jars well. Once the liquid has come to a boil carefully fill jars. Its that easy, once they are cooled to the touch, cap the jars and refrigerate for about 3 days and they will be ready.

As you can see I have cut some spears, and scices, spears for sandwhiches and slices to pair with burgers.

My love of polish pickles started as a child, my grandmother Sally would make pickles using a large crock on top of the liquid she would place rye bread then a glass plate with a rock to hold it weighted down.  Growing up eating my grandmothers authentic polish dishes was amazing! My aunt and I would sneak and test the  pickles out secretly  of course. So the crock pickles were based of fermenting, and I must say they were delicious especially paired up with a homemade kielbasa sandwhich on rye. Pickles have also been proven to aide in digestive issues.
Whether its cucumbers overflowing from your garden or from you local grocer you will want to give my recipe a try! Now I just need to keep the children away until they are ready!

Thanks for stopping in,
Happy pickle making!

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...