Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Hi there I hope this post finds you warm and cozy if you have been dealing with all that snow and if your seaside sipping Pina Coladas soaking up the Suns rays enjoy your day! Where ever you are visiting from I certainly enjoy your visit! 

OKkkkk, So a few years ago I picked up this farm house table , its been painted a couple of times and used a lot ...well I have this wall that is in the entrance way from the screen porch  that I was looking to utilize a bit better. I did have the entertainment center made to a kitchen center there but have moved that into the dining room. 

So to start with I measured the kitchen counter at 24"   so we cut the table at 23 " and the overlap we used as a backsplash.

 I am loving this new space and it is totally very handy...wondering why you see a water knob?
 I decided to have a dry sink and I thought these knobs would be cute. So what's a dry sink you ask? If you are keen on antiques you will know if you are an older sole you'll know, but it is just a place with some type of basin using no running water. Back in the day before indoor plumbing that's how the kitchen duties were done.  I picked the knobs up at a thrift store for just cents.
 I had bought this cute lil cabinet from Dels Thrift warehouse last summer and finally have a home for it.
 It holds some favorite spices and baking items.
 I attached a skirt and underneath the skirt is I placed a long bench so when needed this could be used as seating.
 Mr. SWTSA cut out the hole perfect to fit a stainless steel bowl or colander. so its just chop on the chopping block and brush into the bowl I used it on Saturday to make stuffing and it worked out great !
 Along side the cabinet I hung a wrought iron shelf with hooks for hanging that works out great for hanging my Kitchen Aide attachments.

 Thinking it may be too short for kitchen work? Not for me I stand a tall 4Ft. 11in. so its perfect height for me.
 I crafted these French inspired signs especially for this space. Hot coffee, fresh pastries and French bread.

 I see I will have to caulk under the back splash.

 The sifter hanging on the wall belonged to my great gram.

 I found 2 leather buttons in my stash and attached them to the doors for knobs rather than traditional ones. Love to utilize what I have even though buttons are for clothing I have much more fun repurposing them as door knobs.

So with just a one straight cut and a round cut to hold a bowl. A great area that I will utilize well. Seems like I can never have enough prep areas.

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 Welcome! Nice of you to stop by! Holidays have come to an end for now anyway. Goodbye red and white checks loved it for the holidays. But n...